The transition from primary to secondary school is a crucial one and, as an all-through school, the Senior School builds on the excellent foundations of the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Curriculum of the Junior School as well as ensuring that those joining the school from other primary schools are given every assistance in their process of adaptation.
Located on the outskirts of Latsia, with a beautiful modern site providing exceptional facilities and space to thrive, the Senior School now boasts more than a decade of graduates and continues to expand and develop.
The school promotes the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. It promotes universal principles which enables pupils to foster self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; recognise right from wrong; take responsibility for their own behaviour; contribute to the lives of those around them in their community...
ISI Report 2019The school inspires tolerance and harmony between different communities and promotes a balanced presentation of political issues and a prevention of partisan political views... Pupils have an active interest in current global issues and contribute to the lives of others through charity work.
ISI Report 2019